Wednesday, November 25, 2015

For the Crash Course Lovers

Two more Crash Course vids, I will admit that they are a bit more confusing than usual but it's still a great crash course when the test comes around. (see what I did there...)

Anyways Happy Thanksgiving.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

OMG I Love Crash Course

Crash Course you have saved me again. This video goes over all that we have leaned over the past two days. Where would I be without you Crash Course?


I'm Crying.

I don't even know where to start. There is so much to remember, I just know that Crash Course will hopefully be my savior. Hopefully.


Monday, November 16, 2015

My Disorganized Mess

These are just pics of my work from yesterday, in prep for this test. I know they're messy but I assure you my work on the test was even messier.


Afternoon after the Test

Whew...that test was really rough, as most of my colleagues will also agrees. I don't think anyone, at least to my knowledge, finished before the hour. I was working the problems at the extent of my pace and I still had questions unfinished (usually I finish with time to spare). But all in all, I am glad it's over with and I am ready for the chapters to come.

Though I know its a little late here are some links to videos that explain percent composition. I found these to be dry for what they are worth but they get the job done.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Studying for the test Tomorrow

I found this video very useful for reviewing how to balance chemical equations.
Thanks to Crash Course. (again)


Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Yesterday we had our first quiz for the unit and to say the least it was rough. I think I did okay, but the lack of questions on the quiz worries me since each question was worth more. Overall, I hope that the next few lessons won't be terribly bad.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Remember This

Though this picture doesn't account for converting moles and Volume at STP, this is a really easy way to remember the conversions. All you need to know is what number you're using and if you're going into or out of moles. Divide In, Multiply Out. (DI-MO)

Hope this helps,

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Buckle Up it's gonna be rough!

Let's just say the last pre-test was rough. For the last few pre-tests, I knew (to a degree) what I was doing, I could always remember (again somewhat) what we learned in Physical Science. This one was the first test that covered material not covered in Physical Science. To be honest it's a little nerve racking but I'm ready to take on the challenge. Also, on a side note, I'm rather enthusiastic for not doing a lab for this unit. It means I can focus on studying the material.
