Thursday, October 1, 2015

Summary over our Unit

First off -or last off, I guess- we took our unit test for radioactive decay and atomic structure. I think I did well but maybe not good enough. My grade in the class plummeted after the frontier chemistry project and since I have struggled to pull it back up. The unit wasn't to confusing as, at least for me, the math wasn't to difficult as I have encountered these problems in other classes. What got me on the test were a few specific questions. I know I got at least one polyatomic question wrong as I decided it was to my best interest to study the other parts of the unit. I guess this turned out to be a bit of a mistake. I really should have studied those a little more. Oh well. Anyways, before the test we did a lab over half life and archaeology. I rather enjoyed the lab as it was a great review over what we had just learned in class. Also, this was the first time we had used Excel in this class. For myself, this came as no difficulty since I had learned how to analyze data tables and graphs in Physics I last year. Overall I liked the lab even though to complete it, Mikayla, Evan, and I (as well as the rest of the class...obviously) had to cut out over 500 half inch square pieces of paper by hand.

All in all, I think this unit went well, I'm really hope that the Star Log Project will cancel out how poorly I did on the frontier chemistry project.

P.S. Linked below are some videos I found useful during this unit, I realize they are now useless for us who are taking Chemistry now but if this blog is around next year hopefully these links will be useful to the next year.

Nuclear Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #38

Keep Calm, Study Chem, and DFTBA

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